Denis Korablev
  • 08.10.2021
  • 3,046

Advantages and disadvantages of catamarans

As a floating craft, the catamaran appeared in the most distant centuries. According to one version, the word "catamaran" comes from one of the dialects of the language of the inhabitants of southern India, and literally translates as "connected logs". The name itself indicates the venerable history of the catamaran, because tied logs are the same primitive means for sailing on water among primitive tribes.
Denis Korablev
  • 27.09.2021
  • 692

Why the magnetic compass is wrong

The official history of the compass begins with a description in a Chinese philosophical treatise of an orienteering device away from the coast. This date dates back to the 3rd century, although indirect confirmation of the use of primitive compasses by sailors of antiquity can be found in the works of Herodotus.
Denis Korablev
  • 20.09.2021
  • 589

Features of traveling on a yacht with children

It's no secret that parents try to give their children all the best. A family vacation on a yacht guarantees a lot of impressions and wonderful rest. And before planning yachting for the whole family, it is necessary to study a number of rules for finding the passengers present on board, which will ensure a comfortable stay.
Denis Korablev
  • 02.04.2021
  • 515

How to rent a yacht correctly

While vacationing in one of the European countries, you can visit a variety of beaches of your chosen resort, visit the nearby islands or have an unforgettable time in a cozy bay. In this case, it is not even necessary to check out from the main hotel.