Princess 65F

Princess 65F

Le monténégro

Princess 65F à louer

Informations générales

Nom du bateau
Le monténégro

Trend in prices

Mis à jour Seller price Prix, unknown Change le prix, unknown
17.08.2022 2 000 € 1 618 -
05.12.2021 2 357 € 1 997 +379

* Attention! The price is indicated on a date taking into account the currency exchange rate on this date


  • Other
    • Oven
    • Outside shower
    • Kitchen utensils
    • Shower
    • Pillows and blankets
    • Water maker
    • Cooker
    • Audio System
    • Flybridge
    • Flat screen TV
  • Kitchen
    • Freezer
    • Refrigerator
    • Sink
  • Amenities
    • Heating
    • Generator
    • Bimini
  • Electronic equipment
    • Radar
    • Autopilot
  • Outdoor equipment
    • Bathing Platform
    • Teak deck
  • Yacht equipment
    • Dinghy
    • Outside speakers
  • Amusement
    • DVD player
  • Comfort on board
    • Towels
  • Extra Comforts
    • Air Conditioning
  • Navigation
    • Outside GPS plotter
  • Additional equipment
    • Inside speakers
  • Entertainment
    • Sun pads
  • Navigation and safety
    • Salon GPS plotter
18 252Listed price: 2 000 / par journée
Princess 65F à louer

Choisissez vos dates de réservation

Ajoutée: 18:53 31.10.2021
Mis à jour: 23:56 21.09.2022

La source

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